Julie Speed's art is featured in Julie Speed: "Paintings, Constructions and Works on Paper "(Texas, 2004), which includes comments by the painter and essays on her work by art historians. She is represented by Gerald Peters Gallery in New York and Dallas and lives in Austin. A selection of her work will appear in the winter, 2005 issue of Shenandoah.
I received my contributor copy of Shenandoah 55/2 Fall 2005 in the mail this morning. Among the contributors are: Alice Friman, Steve Gehrke, Rodney Jones, Linda Pastan, David Wagoner & Ronald Wallace. Lisa Russ Spaar reviews Ted Kooser's "Delights & Shadows". All in all a fine issue if I say so myself. My poem "The 30 Hz Hypothesis" also appears in this issue.
It's a great cover image. The dog with three eyes wigs me out.
Very American Gothic n'est ce pas.
To preview more of the abstract styling of Julie Speed check out this interview with her.
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