Tuesday, April 03, 2007

NaPoWriMo - Day Three - This is Already Begining to Sound Like a Sentence

The Changeling

is no longer available


Suzanne said...

Whoo-hoo, Nick! Go, go, go!

Collin Kelley said...

I like this. Good images. You are a brave soul. There is no way I could write a poem a day. Good work!

Nick said...

Suzanne, thanks for the support. I think I'll need plenty of it, if I'm gonna get through this.

Collin, there is a fine line between brave souls and fools. I might just have crossed over it!

Anonymous said...

Great to see you writing.

Nick said...

Robert, you may not be saying that by the end of the month. Hell, you may not be saying that by the end of the week!