Saturday, June 21, 2008

Desperately Seeking Poet to Swap Chapbook Manuscript With:

Thanks to Justin I believe that my chapbook manuscript is getting closer to being ready for the next round of submissions. After reading my MS he's given me valuable advice on the narrative arc of my MS. After reading his blog and the trials and tribulations his MS has undergone I kinda feel pedantic in underlining the minimal adversity that I have faced in my subbing odyssey. (So go on over and wish him well as he sends his own MS out. Go ahead you've got my permission. )

But what I really need right now, and I'm serious about this, is some close scrutiny. No I don't mean me ...I mean my chapbook! (I'm under enough scrutiny as it is...Sheesh!)

So if you are on the same journey as yours truly: i.e. looking for a publisher for your chapbook but wanting to put your best MS foot forward go on and try this challenge on for size.



sam of the ten thousand things said...


Nick said...

Ah!!! a taker...thanks Sam! Much obliged.